Quality Management Systems Guide

Quality Management Systems Guide

Quality management systems help organizations identify areas for improvement in order to achieve higher customer satisfaction levels. They also provide guidance on how to respond quickly when quality issues arise. This guide will cover everything you need to know about quality management systems, including the different types available and how they can benefit your business. To learn more check out this article by Candy Management.

What Is a Quality Management System?

A quality management system (QMS) is an organized set of processes, documents, and tools that help an organization manage the quality of its products or services. It typically includes quality assurance activities such as quality control, quality planning, quality assessment, quality improvement, and quality assurance. A quality management system helps organizations ensure their products are consistently meeting customer requirements and regulatory standards.

Different Types of Quality Management Systems

There are several different types of quality management systems that can be used by organizations to improve the quality of their product or service:


  1. ISO 9001 – This is an international standard created by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). It’s designed to help organizations create quality management systems that ensure their products and services meet the customer’s expectations.
  2. Six Sigma – This system is based on the principles of quality control and quality improvement, and was developed by Motorola in 1986. It uses a set of tools and techniques to improve quality by identifying defects in processes or products.
  3. Lean – This quality management system was developed by the Toyota Production System and is based on continuous improvement. It focuses on eliminating waste and inefficiencies, as well as improving quality through small incremental changes.
  4. Total Quality Management (TQM) – This quality management system uses a systematic approach to quality control that includes quality planning, quality assurance, quality control, quality improvement, and quality management. It emphasizes customer satisfaction and process efficiency.

Benefits of Quality Management Systems

Quality management systems provide a number of benefits for organizations, including:

  • Improved quality – Quality management systems help organizations identify areas for improvement in order to produce higher quality products or services that are more likely to meet customer requirements.
  • Increased efficiency – Quality management systems help identify inefficiencies in processes and improve quality control, which can lead to increased operational efficiency.
  • Reduced costs – By eliminating quality problems, quality management systems can reduce expenses such as scrap or rework costs, quality assurance testing costs, and warranty costs.
  • Enhanced customer satisfaction – Quality management systems help ensure customer satisfaction by producing quality products and services.
  • Improved compliance – Quality management systems provide guidance on how to meet regulatory requirements, helping organizations stay in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.


Quality management systems are an important part of any business’s quality strategy. They can help organizations identify areas for improvement, reduce costs, and increase customer satisfaction. When quality issues arise, quality management systems provide guidance on how to respond quickly and effectively.