Does Wrinkle or Dermal Filler Work?

Does Wrinkle or Dermal Filler Work?

Ask the internet the question: Does wrinkle filler work? And the first answer you see says ‘no’. Not only ‘no’ but a ‘resounding no’. But there is a caveat. And a pretty big one it is. It’s a caveat which turns that ‘resounding no’ into a ‘well, yes actually’.

The reason for the seemingly definitive ‘no’ is simply a matter of nature. Wrinkles appear through the passing of time as we get older. You can’t stop time. Ergo you can’t stop wrinkles. As much as advertising would have us believe otherwise there isn’t a product capable of that just yet.

However, similar to the treatment of skin conditions, just because you cannot prevent or get rid of something doesn’t mean you can’t do anything to help alleviate any issues you have.

This is where dermal fillers for cheeks comes in. It isn’t a cure, there’s no such thing. But it is a relief, a resolution, a way of softening the etching of times passing on our faces.

Table of Contents

  • Why Wrinkles Form
  • How Wrinkle Filler Works
  • Are Wrinkle Fillers Legit?

Why Wrinkles Form

Here we find that Skin wrinkles ‘typically appear as a result of aging processes such as glycation, habitual sleeping positions, loss of body mass, sun damage, or temporarily, as the result of prolonged immersion in water’ and that ‘age wrinkling in the skin is promoted by habitual facial expressions, aging, sun and UV light damage, smoking, poor hydration, and various other factors’.

So wrinkles are something that we can’t escape from. And they are something a lot of people want to deal with if the 2020 global anti-aging market estimation of $58.5 billion is to be believed.

How Wrinkle Filler Works

There is a substantial difference between the over-the-counter fillers and the derma fillers you would get from a professional.

The over-the-counter methods usually involves a cream or serum which contains a lot of vitamins and minerals. It helps replenish the skin, keeps it hydrated, and helps the skin fill out more naturally.

A derma filler typically adds a collagen into your skin to fill, and smooth out those wrinkles. It is obviously a slightly more invasive procedure than just applying cream to your skin but with that added level of discomfort comes an increased success rate in terms of final look.

Are Wrinkle Fillers Legit?

Medical News Today suggests fillers as a possible treatment for wrinkles in its article ‘What to know about wrinkles’ and Harvard Health Publishing has an article on the pros and cons of dermal fillers.

As with any type of ‘procedure’ Harvard advises that ‘choosing the right type of dermal filler requires the guidance of an experienced, board-certified dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon with a thorough understanding of facial anatomy, and familiarity with the variety of available fillers and their respective injection techniques’.

‘Always check the credentials of the person you want to get your fillers from,” advises Sheridan of “Look for someone with the correct experience and qualifications. “And if you can find out what previous customers have to say about their services”.

Sound advice all round.