9 tips for avoiding a messy divorce

9 tips for avoiding a messy divorce

You have decided to file for divorce. In Utah, if two spouses can agree on key aspects and have no issues to fight over, they can get a no-fault divorce after a month. It is that simple. However, in the real world, things often get messy. In this post, we are sharing key tips that can make divorce simpler. 

  1. Get a lawyer. Consider hiring a Salt Lake City divorce lawyer without any delay. You need expertise on your side, and lawyers are skilled mediators and negotiators. With an attorney, you can expect unbiased advice. 
  2. Don’t bring things up when the kids are around. Many couples end up raising important issues in front of the kids, which can be damaging to their psyche. Keep things simple, and don’t try to influence your child against the other parent. 
  3. Be open to communication. You cannot resolve issues with your spouse without talking to them. If you have hired a lawyer, you can avoid direct talk, but being open to communication is essential. 
  4. Don’t try to ‘win’. No matter how bad the situation is, your divorce shouldn’t be a battleground for ‘wins’. You cannot expect unrealistic things from the case, and more importantly, you shouldn’t want to prolong the process. 
  5. Keep the divorce private. You may have friends and active social media profiles, but your divorce is not a matter of small talk. Ensure that you refrain from posting anything on social media. 
  6. Don’t hide assets. Utah allows for equitable distribution of assets. You cannot hide assets from the court and your spouse. This strategy never works and may go against you. Talk to your lawyer about the possible way to protect certain assets. 
  7. Let the lawyers talk. Couples usually separate because they have disagreements that cannot be ironed out. If there is no room for conversation, let your attorney take over. Lawyers can help find solutions that are acceptable to both sides. 
  8. Report domestic violence. If your spouse has been threatening you, you could have a domestic violence case. Your lawyer can help get a restraining order, which will prevent your spouse from harassing you further. 
  9. Don’t be selfish about kids. Many couples want a 50-50 custody arrangement, knowing that it may not benefit the kids. When dealing with a divorce, don’t be a selfish parent. Do what’s in the best interests of the child. 

You can check online to find family law firms in Utah. 

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