7 Expert tips to pick the most beautiful engagement ring for your partner

7 Expert tips to pick the most beautiful engagement ring for your partner

Engagement is the first sign of announcement to let the world know that you are taken. Thus, the engagement ring has to be perfect that reflects all your emotions in a small piece of jewelry. We have some tips as shared by jewelry experts to help you find a suitable ring for your partner.

If you are looking for quality brands, Faith engagement rings are one of the recommended ones to consider. Let’s begin with these tips that you can follow when you have saved and are all set to buy it.

7 Amazing tips to choose the most pretty engagement ring for your partner:

  1. Avoid the trend:

Always prefer class over trend if the engagement really means to you something big. An engagement ring is a symbol of love, commitment, proposal, and many emotions attached along. Finding a style statement would work than following a common trend.

  1. Examine the stone:

Stone plays a vital role in selecting the engagement ring. Don’t blindly follow the certificate grading. Choose the right grade for the stone; these may vary from D to Z. The stone’s grade is one of the essential factors to consider but, not the only thing to consider.

  1. Check the origin:

To understand what you are buying clearly, you must know the origin of the stone where it comes from. Every country speaks the high and low of mines and accordingly give value to the stone.

  1. Ring setting:

Check the frame for the ring. How would you like the frame of the ring to fit the stone in? These can be planned in platinum, gold, silver, etc… Think of a unique frame or design to set the stone in. Remember, it must look like a special engagement ring.

  1. Use creativity:

Be creative in choosing the ring. Women love diamonds, but what the love most is the uniqueness. We all crave for something difference, don’t we? Keep your engagement ring different yet aesthetic.

  1. Get your ring customized:

A customized fitting and design works best than risking your ceremony with a readymade design. Quality matters too and thus, you must discuss your expectations of a dream engagement ring before finalizing it with the jeweler.

  1. Clarify your budget:

Set your budget clear with the store. Some of the best budgeted designs are available with Faith engagement rings.